Aftermarket Softwares for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) : Intellinet Systems

Browser Compatibility In Intelli Electronic Part Catalogue

Automotive Service Information System

Automotive Service Information System

Browser Compatibility is the term which is used to define ‘How website/web app performs across different browsers and operating systems?

Generally, it means a website that is defined for multiple browsers. Then no matter what browser is being used, whether it is Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera mini or Internet Explorer, the website you are browsing will show up correctly on your computer screen. So as to get this going, the site may need to create its very own custom JavaScript or HTML.

Imagine making a perfect UI and UX, utilizing best in class innovations and at last your web page or application doesn’t perform in specific programs.

To check for browser Compatibility, you need to do Cross Browser Testing.

What is the need of Cross-Browser Testing?

Electronic parts catalogue by Intellinet provides the same functionality on all browsers like Google chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari and other standard browsers are supported. Designed using HTML codes and strict standard consistence ensure consistency over numerous browsing platforms.

Other than the browser contrasts, another components that play vital role into browser compatibility is whether the online surfer is on a normal PC and the working system is Windows, Mac or Linux. Generally, the same browser may render the site pages differently from all such platforms. That’s why, Intellinet have completely ensured that their platform is perfect with every single browser and on every type of operating system.

To know more about all other features of the software or for a free demo, just connect to
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