
Integrated Parts Return Module Introduced For OEMs By Intellinet Systems

Intellinet Systems
5 min read
parts return module

One of the stronger challenges that OEMs get is from the dealers working exclusively in the aftermarket. OEMs need to change their business model to overcome such challenges. The thing that needs to be and can attract dealers and end customers the most is, using advanced tools and technology in part return process and making it convenient for them.

A dealer may return a part to OEM due to various reasons like the part was double shipped, an order was placed by mistake, received a damaged part, etc. OEMs business profitability and feasibility are deeply connected to how their parts are returned. The part return module of electronic part catalog software is designed to automate and simplify such processes and help equipment manufacturers improve overall business profitability.

The spare parts return management software enables OEMs to handle the return of spare parts, which were pre-distributed for the operation on the customer site. In the service order processing, the additional part can be picked up by the service technician or forwarded to the main site.

Moreover, when spare parts are at the customer site, they are considered custodian stock, but still, they are owned by OEM. If these spare parts are not consumed by an authorized dealer, their value doesn’t decrease and they don’t leave the valuation of OEM from where they were issued.

Business Challenge

The manufacturing organization needs an alternative way to increase automotive business by upgrading the existing process. And the department that requires immediate improvement is the part return department. Currently, the process is managed through a manual system and it slows down the revenue process.

Problems Faced In Manual Part Return Process:

  • Often equipment manufacturers need specific parts for research to find out the reason for failure, so it was hard to get parts back, due to various reasons.
  • Also, not getting the complete info about part failure, so that OEMs can find out the real problem.
  • No, automated communication channels were present, which led to multiple errors. 
  • For Dealers long time in requesting part cancellation or part return.

As a corrective measure, and to improve overall process quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability, the organization needs to implement an advanced part return module loaded with advanced features.

Intellinet Parts Return Module

Intelli parts return is a module from the electronic parts catalog and it is loaded with all the modern techniques that OEMs and dealers need. Its user-friendly interface gives one more reason to opt for it.

Normally, when a customer wants to return a product, they contact the authorized dealer from where they purchased the part, then he (the dealer) can generate a return request on the portal by clicking the “Add” button to start the part return process, and as there are two categories of parts return request available in EPC for the dealer to submit a return.  “30 DAYS RETURN” & “OTHERS”. The 30 days return policy is based on "no. of invoice days", and in OTHERS policy there will be two reasons available "Annual" & "Dealer Close Out".

After selecting the return policy dealer needs to select a reason from the dropdown list to submit a return order. Also, a dealer needs to create two different returns if he wants to return 2 different parts from 2 different invoices. After this "Remarks" will appear on screen. It is not mandatory for the dealer to enter remarks. Now, click the 'Next' button available at the top right-hand corner of the Return page to proceed further. Please check the option of 'Send Mail' on the left side of the 'Next' button to send mail notifications to the OEM authorized supervisor or manager. After this dealer needs to click the "NEXT" button to enter the pickup address of the parts. Enter the proper address details and tap the “SAVE” button. As the dealer clicks the save button, a pop-up will appear on the screen, click “OK” to submit or click on “Cancel” to review the details again before final submission. After clicking “OK” a confirmation message of successful submission, along with the associated return request number will appear on the screen. Dealers can check the status of the return with this number. Finally, the return request has been submitted to OEM.

The next step will be part return approval. On receipt of part return approval mail by the supervisor or manager will review and approve the return request from EPC admin. They need to select a particular return request and click on the “Approve” button.

Once that product arrives at the OEM, then they test the product to determine the root cause of the failure, and then either dispose of the product or send it to the supplier.

So, this is the simple and automated part return process from Intellinet systems. It has so many unique features that make it class apart from other software. In recent years a higher focus by OEMs has been placed on maximizing sources of revenue by eliminating gaps in service solutions. So, they can also recapture the lost profits through the part return process.  This type of functionality is the need of today for all the automobile OEMs and dealers. So, go for it now.

Return represents one of the most logistically challenging processes in the service chain - for suppliers, distributors, and customers. For organizations in industries like automobiles, the challenge is even more daunting. But no worries, Intellinet automatically speeds part return process through its tech-friendly software.

Benefits Of Automated Part Return:

The parts return solution is specially designed to overcome the issues of the parts returning process. Thus, this module has a few unique features which make it stand-alone software in the industry. Below listed are the unique features of parts return automation software, have a look −

Skilled Automation: Automate notifications on parts return

Digital Part Return Approval: Through this approval process at multiple levels gets automated and consumes less time.

Call Tag: This module allows the OEMs to make a payment simply by allowing the call tag to the dealer.

On-Time Shipment: Generate barcodes for easy shipment and deliver shipments accurately as per the supplier contracts.

User-Friendly: Easy-to-use workflow from core parts return to disposition. Smart and simple search framework with controlled logistics

Simplified & Efficient Parts Return: Clear and easy-to-use workflow from core parts return to receipt, inspection, analysis, and disposition

Part return approach by Intellinet defines and manages inventory management processes in a product context, allowing one to capture and analyze products and data across the install base. This system opens new ways for OEMs to make continuous improvements in planning, engineering, and quality management.

Intellinet has over a decade of experience in developing software like an electronic part catalog for the automotive industry to optimize order management, inventory management, and part return process. Automation of such tasks can manage all processes. Parts return module from Intellinet is available at a very affordable cost for automotive dealers and manufacturers to reduce their manual work processing and increase revenue.

For more details about the same or if you need a free demo of the software, just connect to

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