
Maintain and Grow Your Customer Base with Auto Claims Management Software

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

The faster OEMs and dealers process claim, chances are high that customer will return back to them.

The basis issue is the manual, paper-driven process that takes too much time in claim processing. Manufacturing industry is riddled with such complex processes and a lot of revenue is lost in such process, so it’s the time for OEMs to adopt something big, something different to complete the work process effectively and efficiently, so that their customers don’t turn into former customers.

Auto Claims Management Software

Empower organization by auto claims management software to simplify and regulates work process. When you will automate process you’ll be able to increase efficiency and ensure work quality. As a result of this, customer satisfaction will increase and good will image of brand will also increase.

What Is Auto Claims Management Software?

It is the automation tool to automate the claim management process in manufacturing OEMs. After integrating this software, OEMs will be able to:

  • Document Management
  • Data Capture
  • Systems Integration
  • Claim Automation
  • Process Tracking

The software tools can be integrated to any manufacturing industry and specially designed to work in back end. Let’s have how they can benefit OEMs:


Here are some of the biggest benefits that OEMs can gain by using auto claims management software:

Better Customer Service

Auto claims management software allows OEMs and dealers to process claims faster, also customers will be get notified about the status of processing, which is going to make customers happy. The software can eliminate data entry errors and will present real time data in front of you.

Ensure Compliance

The software also allows two important things- consistency and visibility. Which means no one can skip any step and process will go in complete flow, providing complete visibility.

Improve Operational Efficiency

The automation software will be able to build the best possible process for OEMs and dealers, including important process controls, and accommodating exceptions. All this process will give organization a competitive advantage and increase the operational efficiency.

Reporting and Analytics

For OEMs it’s tough to set organizational goals if they don’t know where they stand. A claim automation platform like auto claims management software provides OEMs with reporting and analytics dashboards. With this OEMs will be able to see how long each step is taking to process, how much work is actually being completed, and where more resources are needed to complete work faster.


If you’re going to get an auto claim management platform make sure it’s customizable enough. Ready-made software can’t help you in growing other parts of your business and you will end up disappointed and looking for a perfect match to fulfill your needs.

In today's financial landscape customers are educated and need top service instantly, otherwise they will switch to another service provider. OEMs can survive only if they offer effective and efficient work service along with positive customer experience.

The quickest route to delivering all of these things is through adopting auto claims management software. Automation will surely help OEMs to gain advantage over their competitors. If you have any query regarding the software or wish to see a free demo of the software, just connect to

NOTE:  The software is prepared only for the authorized OEMs and dealers and not for any third part manufactures.

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