
How Automation Of Field Services Will Be Beneficial For Automotive OEMs?

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

According to various studies and researches conducted across the world, about 52% of automotive OEMs and authorized dealers still rely on manual processing, for field services. But thanks to technology that future looks promising as field technical report software is here for rescue of OEMs.

automated field services

If a prediction is to be believed, by 2020, around 20.4 billion mobile and gadgets will be connected to internet. In such scenario, future of field technical report is bright and it can be the centralize system that can help OEMs in fulfill field operations. This way OEMs will able to create an image of customers, OEMs will be able to serve customers better and ultimately sales of an organization will increase.

Today, customer satisfaction is biggest challenge for OEMs, so they need to move ahead with such technology to improve their customer engagement and serve them best in terms of products and services.

With round-the-clock availability of this software on board, it will be easy for OEMs to deliver services quickly. The immense potential in FTR is now being leveraged in the automotive industry.

Outstanding Customer Experience With FTR

OEMs are aware about the needs and demands of their end-customers, that they want hassle free and instant services. So, OEMs need to work in that direction by focusing on business operations more effectively.

By leveraging field technical report solution, OEMs can ensure availability of components, location of field technicians, the amount of time spent on site, etc. This is an approach to make long lasting impact on customer and remove their issues in committed time.

In manual method OEMs and their authorized dealers manage their day-to-day operations by performing job and then update the progress on papers. A long and time taking process, isn’t it? Now, with field technical report software all the information updating will be possible on-the-go. This is why FTR is the next big thing for top automotive OEMs that offer field services. This will save a lot of money and most importantly time. This software will allow them to be on top of their business.

Field Service Management – The Rich Experience

In upcoming year, FTR will have a long lasting impact on automotive business and also on other equipment manufacturers. Field technical report software will allow OEMs to deliver world-class field service at the click of a button.

When the data of customer will be connected through app, they will be able to place a service request directly or through their authorized dealer. Field technician will get job request notification along with the requirements and location. OEMs and dealers will be able to track them. This will help make sure that there is never any hitch in the customer’s experience.

Also, field technical report software is capable to record customer service history, when they were installed, the problems that were discovered, etc. This will help in the collection of first-hand information that can be used to deliver field service instantaneously.

Knowledge Exchange with FTR

Another aspect where FTR can prove to be revolutionizing is the matter of knowledge exchange between the field technicians and their OEMs or dealers. Whenever a field technician will come across any challenge while performing the job, they can directly communicate with related dealer to clear their confusion.

This intelligent system has capability to deliver quick information over the internet to field technicians whenever they need it. Through this application, the need to share information manually will disappear, and this will reduce errors and speed of work will be communication.

Also, this field job automating system is unique, as automotive industry has a lot of quirkiness and tasks to perform. So, this type of software on board can derive huge benefits for them.

Routing Specialized Field Agents

Whenever field technicians will not be able to update job performed due to lack of connectivity, they can save it for later and performance will be updated, ones the software will get connectivity. Also, OEMs will be able to route their field technicians according to their specialized skill set. This will lead to proper routing of field technicians according to their knowledge. OEMs can only imagine the outcome of this provision – enhanced customer experience and satisfaction because FTR is best software to perform its job efficiently.

If OEMs wants to be on top, they need to leverage best-in-class software and exceptional technologies to achieve the accuracy and Intellinet is here to help OEMs in every way.  If you have any query regarding the software or wish to see free demo of the software, just connect to the experts at

NOTE: Intellinet products are only meant for OEMs and authorized dealers. The software’s are not meant for any third party dealer.

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