
How Programmable Work Queue Parameter Adds Satisfaction To OEMs And Dealers?

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

As companies strive to exceed their customers’ expectations in terms of customer service, the development and implementation of business process solutions that improve the efficiency and speed of their respective processes are becoming more crucial.One example of a helpful business process solution is programmable work queue parameter. Intellinet the leading provider of automobile warranty management system has introduced this programmable work queue feature in their warranty management system.

The goal of programmable work queue parameter is to efficiently resolve the concerns or issues of dealers effectively. Every time a customer comes to dealer with an issue in their vehicle, the dealer assigns the repair job to mechanics or if needed dealers also uplift broken vehicle from remote location to their service station.  In the process the dealer repair the customer vehicle instantly and if any part or portion of the vehicle is under warranty the dealer generate a claim and submit this to OEM for reimbursement.

But in manual methods of generating claims, dealers are not able to define proper information about the work they performed on vehicle and add miscellaneous cost, which result in dealer’s loss and then dealer try alternate methods to recover this money through unauthorized ways that may result in good will loss of the organization.

For example, a person car broke down on highway due to unknown reasons and he calls the nearest authorized dealer and tell him about the situation. The dealer immediately sent the towing vehicle and started looking for the faulty part. As, the fault was in some section of engine, so he quickly replaced the part with new part and make the car ready to move again.

Now, dealer records all the repair related info in a sheet and forwarded it to OEM for reimbursement. But here the issue is how to add miscellaneous cost like towing cost from remote location in the list? Also, suppose it has been a week since this request was made by the dealer but any info about the processing is not available. When the dealer makes a follow-up call, he is not able to connect to the related department instantly. Here, the use of programmable work queue parameter system empowers dealers by giving them greater control over their issue resolution.

How It Works?

Just go to the warranty management software work queue management section and enter all the details of vehicle and work done. Here dealers can easily add the part replaced, validity period of part, labour cost, etc. Under miscellaneous section it gives the facility to enter additional expenses like vehicle towing cost from remote location.

It reduces efforts of dealers and also lessens their waiting time, because the moment they submit the claim request, they can easily track the request and get step by step information about its status. All these benefits lead to better customer service, which is ultimately the goal of work queue parameter.

Key Benefits

  • Reduced operational costs by 60%
  • Ability to create and maintain claims in bulk
  • Easy tracking and report generation
  • Improved compliance and quality by 95%

Using a programmable work queue parameter, not only benefits the dealers but the OEMs and employees themselves. By facilitating an easier and faster retrieval of the request, including the claim processing and reimbursement issues, OEMs are empowered to deliver a more superior customer service, and leaving a positive impact on customer. Programmable work queue parameter also results in greater productivity, due to less time wastage and lower stress levels for employees in such departments.

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