
Intelli Catalogue - Powerful Parts Catalogue Editing Tools

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Original Equipment Manufacturers manufacture different kinds of products depending on end-user and market demands. Also, they keep on enhancing the functionalities, and design and change the attributes or prices of different products and spare parts to remain competitive in the market. It is very important that Original Equipment Manufacturers provide updated details about enhancements and changes that they have done in different parts to all the dealers and end customers on real real-time basis.

Parts Catalogue Editing Tool

Intelli Parts Catalogue is an online catalog that provides flexibility to edit the different attributes and specifications of different parts on a real-time basis and thus proves to be a Powerful parts catalog editing tool to make different updates in Catalogue.

Edit Different Attributes Easily with Intelli Parts Catalogue

With changes in time, manufacturers keep on enhancing the parts and thus they need to update the enhancement done in parts or price update in the parts catalog as well. With Intelli Parts Catalogue, Manufacturers do not need to redefine the complete set of parts again which proves to be a tedious job for manufacturers to do but they can easily edit the different attributes of already defined parts and can update the same which can be accessed by dealers on real time bases.

Update Hot Spotting of Spare Parts Quickly

As Intelli Parts Catalogue is an Illustration-based catalog, it is easy for dealers to search for different spare parts using illustrations of parts and thus can order the required parts easily. Powerful parts catalog editing tools have been enabled in the Intelli Parts catalog if the design or structure of any part has been changed, hot spotting of the same can be edited easily by following a few steps and thus helps in saving huge time and cost of manufacturers. With reduced time in updating the hot spotting, updated details can be provided to dealers very quickly.

Benefits of Intelli Parts Catalogue

  • Reduce Time: Updating the Parts catalog is easy and quick and thus a lot of time can be saved by manufacturers
  • Historical Data: Intelli Parts Catalogue maintain historical data that can be referred to by user easily to track the previous details of parts.
  • Stress-free Editing of Parts Illustrations: Hot spotting of new parts can be done easily using the old illustrations and thus it is stress-free for manufacturers to edit and update different illustrations.
  • Real-Time Data to Dealers: Dealers get the updates on a real-time basis whenever the manufacturers update the price, illustration, etc. on the Intelli part catalog.
  • Eradicate Errors: As the data update process can be automated by using import functionality and schedule jobs, fewer manual updates mean fewer chances of errors while editing the details of parts.
  • Reversal of Changes / Updates: As a power editing tool, the Intelli parts catalog enables the user to reverse the changes that have been done thus they can review the details before finally publishing the data and in case of any discrepancy, the same can be reversed.
  • Quick Hot Spotting of Spare Parts: Hot Spotting of illustration of the part that has been enhanced is a quick and easy process to follow. This helps in reducing the chances of errors and also reduces the time taken for new hop spotting of parts.

Original Equipment Manufacturers has found Intelli Spare Parts Catalogue as a powerful parts catalogue editing tools which enabled them to edit catalogue as and when there is any business requirement along with maintaining the historical data so that same can be tracked and compared. Visit for more details on Intelli Parts Catalogue.

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