
Part Assembly Replication: Face of Future Manufacturing Industries

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

In today’s fast moving world automotive companies can be seen launching new vehicles. This is good that people get taste of new design and technology with every innovation and this way their preferences are getting high-tech. The newly launched vehicle comes with new designs and new spare parts. But basically not all companies change the total spare parts in an assembly of a specific model. They consist of a fixed ratio of parts that are from old version of that vehicle. So, here into play, part assembly replication. Part assembly replication is the innovation specially designed to notify replica of part that will help automotive OEMs and dealers in their work. It’s a module basically from illustrated part catalogue. This will save their time of mapping same part again and again, PDF printing and time involved in checking of mapped parts. Didn’t get that? Understand this with the help of a business case.

Business Case

A vehicle X was launched in year 2012 and now after 6 years the upgraded version of same vehicle is launched by the company into the market with additional features, smarter looks and advanced technology. Now, company will sell the vehicle on all its outlets and will supply parts to its dealer. But before this, OEM needs to complete the mapping of spare parts before handing it over to the dealers. Here, twist in the story is that 60% parts in the engine assembly are of previous model that was launched in 2012. Now, with the help of catalogue, auto parts OEM will need to map that part again also. This will again require manpower to complete mapping task, data entry, PDF printing and then for cross checking. This is really time consuming and money consuming process without auto parts catalogue. Isn’t it?So, you must be looking for an alternative solution for same. And the name of that alternative solution is part assembly replication software.

illustrated part catalogue - Intellinet

How It Works?

After applying this illustrated part catalogue solution, automotive OEMs will not need to do parts mapping again and again as if the parts belong to the same version. In this automated process new vehicle can be created with existing assemblies and common assemblies can be replicated in the new vehicle.

OEMs just need to put the part assembly data of both vehicles parallel and then they can compare. They will be no need to map already existing parts in the list as they can be directly added to the list. Also, the software is multi featured and as in some cases, parts are added in a ratio of 20:2 i.e 20 old parts in the vehicle and 2 new parts in the same vehicle are added in new version, so this gives you the facility to create separate mapping for these two parts either then adding them into the previous one, otherwise new parts will also be added to the already existing parts assembly list.

illustrated part catalogue

Key Benefits Of Part Assembly Replication:

  • Time Saving: After applying illustrated part catalogue software into work, automotive OEMs can save a lot of time by just mapping the new assembly parts and not the old ones.
  • Manpower Saving: More man power can be saved as for data entry and other purposes, persons will be needed to enter data manually. It will not be needed after this.
  • Increase Sales: This process will directly affect the automotive sales process, as companies can easily send part details to dealers.
  • Eliminate Manual Errors: It is well known that in manual processing of work chances of error are high, so after integrating this technology into automotive there are no chances of error as the process becomes fully automated.

The fortunes of automotive sector players have always depended on what customers see as valuable. Most of this value resides in the hardware parts of vehicles and how companies arrange them for the end customers. Intellinet is leader in offering software for automobile sector and other equipment manufacturers. Its software like illustrated part catalogue and warranty management system are already in use by various top automotive brands. However, future innovations from Intellinet systems will probably focus on more productive technology trends. For more details about its business products or any help, one may contact Intellinet is not provider of any type of catalogue, Intellinet just only publish them and also provide software for creating and publishing if someone already has catalogue.

For more queries about the software please click here:

Electronic part catalogue
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