
Transform Your Spare Parts Distribution with These Emerging Technologies

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

We are living in the 21st century and it will not be wrong to call it by the name of the “era of technology”. This era has introduced lots of technology that has changed the life of people completely. The digital Parts Catalogue transformation is remarkable and has bought simplicity the in process of doing work.

Spare Parts Distribution

In parts manufacturing sector such technology is meant to reduce errors and improve productivity. The new technology coming to the market nowadays includes AI for better growth in business. Let’s have a look at the topmost technologies that are capable to benefit OEMs in the distribution of spare parts:

  1. Cloud Hosting: Normally, OEMs, and dealers use excel sheets store data. They usually process a vast amount of data through manual methods only, which is difficult to handle as the market size is growing rapidly. In such a case, cloud hosting software is the most appropriate software. The online parts catalogue is Digital Parts Catalogue software that centrally storage all the data of an organization and can be accessed anytime, anywhere from a remote location. The software setup is scalable as it does not require expensive hardware. Just an internet connection is enough.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence for OEMs has been a breakthrough. The software enabled with AI can improve the management system of OEMs and can help them to enhance customer service experience thus empowering the overall organization activities.  AI provides the ability to software to learn and improve automatically from its setup being programmed.
  3. Blockchain: The Blockchain is a bunch of data blocks that are connected by a digital chain. Blockchain can help OEMs in many ways. It can help in customer registration with the brand, storing data, capturing records, etc. All such process will be fast and transparent through Blockchain. Also, this data of customers can be used later for better decision making. Instead of using traditional methods, OEMs can implement software enabled with blockchain technology that will enable OEMs to serve their customers better.
  4. RFID: RFID, i.e. radio-frequency identification has a massive role in equipment manufacturing and managing post-manufacture activities. The technology will help to track inventory on all tagged carriers and will provide real-time data of the activities on the screen.
  5. Internet of Things: Internet Of Things (IoT) specifically improves the user experience. With predictive analytics, OEMs can offer automated maintenance experiences. Moreover, authorized dealers can offer useful information and important tips online to the field agents. It would improve the relationship of end-customers with the brand.

So, these are the next gen technology that can make things easier and efficient for manufacturing OEMs. It is not only about making business process difficult but to improve the market value of brand and improve their relationship with customers. Intellinet provide various automated software enabled with the technology discussed above, that OEMs can integrate into their business and can expect a staggering growth in future.

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