
Ways To Effectively Manage Your Equipment Manufacturing Business

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Are you an OEM, who is struggling to manage your equipment manufacturing business? If yes, then it’s not a big deal as OEMs in various fields face this dilemma.

Let’s have a look at this article and it will give you few strategies that you can use in your organization and improve your business profitability.

manage equipment manufacturing business

It doesn’t matter in which field you are offering services there is only one thing that you need to keep in mind as an OEM. And that thing is – a machine or vehicle is needed to be maintained, serviced and repaired.

Spare parts in machinery may break anytime; they need regular upgrade and may eventually break. Customer will connect to authorize dealer to get the broken part and dealer will connect to OEM. For OEMs, searching demanded part through manual method, dispatching or providing any external information can be externally challenging. These are the things that can obstruct the profit of an OEM. Here are some techniques that will help you in improving your business process.

Strategies For OEMs To Improve Business Processing:

1. Digitize Documents

At OEMs, employees spend time and resources in creating and managing spare parts data and customer record on excel spread sheets. On an average an employee spend half of its work time in maintaining documents. Let’s understand this with the help of an example – If an OEM is changing a bolt that exists in 100+ different assemblies, in such condition an employee will need to update this on 100+ entries. So, basically it will require lots of time. And, as an OEM don’t you think that there should be an efficient way to perform such work?

Intellinet also thinks the same, that’s why we have come up with this digital part publishing software. This digital catalogue software will publish your manual catalog into digital form and will store all the data on a centralize platform.

Essentially, this gives an opportunity to OEMs to save time and make changes directly on the system. Also, updated data will be available in real time and without any error.

2. Improve Online Experience

Improving online experience means, OEMs need to stop using PDF or excel spread sheets to look for parts. Instead you need to enhance customer experience with highly interactive user interface that can display spare parts directly on the website of company and can attract buyers. A digital catalogue will give your end-customers to look for required part online, so that they can make purchase decision instantly.

3. Better Customer Experience Downtime

As, an OEM you rely on organization workers to keep all the tasks and documents up-to-date. Whole day your technicians spend to find fault in the process, as it may slow down the productivity.

The same way customer attention works. If you are not providing correct support to customers at right time or you are not able to satisfy your customers in terms of services, whether it’s related to repair, procedures or part order, every delay in the process will left the customer frustrated and they may move to another dealer.

Offering them best services according to their demand will not only make your brand superior in their eyes. But they will share the news of brilliant customer service, with their friends and family. This is called indirect marketing, and it will help you in long run.

OEMs need to implement automated communication channels and automated service, so that considerable amount of time can now used to connect with customer and make them happy operations.

In case you wish to know, how automated software’s from Intellinet can help you. Feel free to connect with us at

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