
Top 12 Technology Trends for Organizations to Watch

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

In the last decade technology has evolved at an unimaginable pace and the things that seemed impossible until few years ago, is a reality today. Urged by the rise of technology today, functionalities are getting more advanced and intelligent and innovation cycle is getting faster and faster.

Technology Trends

In this article, we have listed some advanced technologies that will change the way organizations handling business process in upcoming years:

  1. Hyper Automation
    As clear by its name, it is elevated automation of everyday process carried out in organization through advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning and other technologies that advanced then the manual process.

    In the coming years, hyper automation will not only drive the task-based automation but it will help organizations in handling more complex processes. It will accelerate the automation of business processes.
  2. Multi Experience
    As technology is evolving, user experiences and interaction with digital world is transforming too. Emerging technologies like AR/VR are there for better engagement of user experience. OEMs in automotive sector will not only drive digital transformation but the transformation will led to enhanced customer experience.
  3. AI Security
    For business, lots of emerging technology like AI and machine learning are here to bring new waves of information throughout the world. Such technologies will open new ways of opportunities in various sectors and these technologies will also help in increasing security at various levels in business units.

    Security efforts needed to be focused on protecting and securing AI based System as well as protecting data.
  4. Democratization of Expertise
    As of now, access to technical expertise is limited to exclusive people having right skills and training. But democratization of expertise will leverage emerging technologies and automation to enable people within an organization to access and use tools without extensive training.
  5. Human Augmentation:
    It involves the use of advanced technology to enhance the physical and cognitive capability of human and it can be applied to improve human experience in various forms. While most of the applications are not focused in automotive sector yet, but in upcoming years the range will expand and it will allow humans to opt for personalized experience in everyday life.
  6. Transparency and Traceability
    The sheer quantity of consumer facts this is accumulated in everyday transactions are gigantic and will simply grow in upcoming years. With every organization striving to drive a customer experience that is both attractive and satisfactory, this information can be their price tag to realizing this. However, it has become simply as vital a venture to defend and save the misuse of this data.

    Transparency and traceability means the set of actions, practices, and equipment that make certain transparency, safety and ethical use of information and the packages that leverage all such data. Three areas that organizations should focus directly to for an efficient and transparent strategy:
    - AI and ML
    - Personal Facts privacy, ownership and control
    - Ethically aligned design
  7. The Empowered Edge
    Edge computing enables facts computation and storage towards the sources, repositories, and gadgets that acquire or consume this information, rather of counting on a relevant location that could be positioned very far. This method is gained numerous attractions among enterprises because of its ability to address latency problems and manage overall cost. The growing use of IoT devices and the want for them to engage with non-IoT structures is driving using edge-computing systems, with the intention to be similarly accelerated in the coming years as greater superior and complicated computing sources come into the picture.
  8. Distributed Cloud
    Cloud Computing transformed the IT industry with the virtualization and on-demand availability of computer resources. Distributed Cloud takes it a notch better with its decentralization and distribution of public cloud offering to distinctive locations for green and parallel computation of tasks. Distributed Cloud Computing brings the high-quality of Distributed Computing and Cloud together and accordingly is gaining pretty some traction in being adopted by using enterprises.
  9. Autonomous Things
    Autonomous Things, abbreviated AuT are clever physical gadgets that leverage AI to Work autonomously and perform tasks previously accomplished through humans, with little or no direct human intervention. A range of stand-by myself robots can already be visible deployed in numerous packages, be it inside the shape of smart home equipment for homes, or drones or self-riding cars. As era advances and greater precision is achieved, the following year will see the software of AuT proliferate and maybe even shift from a stand-on my own stance to a more collaborative swarm-based approach.
  10. Practical Blockchain
    Blockchain is very crucial technology from business point and it comes with lot of essential advantages like authenticity and transparency in the process will enable organization to share efficient info across systems. It shows immense potential in number of applications and adoption of this might be extensive in future. However, ineffective research and evaluation, Blockchain technology will remain undisputed.
  11. Re-skilling the Physical Workforce
    The pace at which technology is evolving, organization wants to ride with that pace. For that they will not only need to upgrade resources in digital format, but upgrade in human workforce is also necessary. As more and more advancements will be made, technology will also get shorter and physical workforce needed to re-skilled to adopt those changes.
  12. Personal Profiling
    Numbers of OEMs are increasingly connecting the data through technology that is collected everyday from various transactions and during the customer interaction in dealerships, in order to engage with that content that is tailored to their personalities and preferences.

It will allow organization to streamline the business process and engage with customers in a better way and increase transparency into the process.

So, you must have got an idea what this year 2020 seems to be an what it has for you. Such advancement in technology has great opportunities for organizations to grow. it will be great to see, what this advanced technology holds for them in upcoming years.

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