
Go beyond Just Management: Adopt Higher Level With BOM Intelligence

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Managing segments and parts is more significant than ever, as obsolescence, fake items and natural resistance dangers keep on developing. Fake parts alone cost OEMs $7.5 billion every year in lost income. Numerous BOMs programming software available in the market fall short, since they utilize a limited part database to address vast difficulties.

Access the world’s first intuitive, automated bill-of-materials intelligence tool to meet production targets on time and within budget. BOM Intelligence evolved from electronic part catalogue software, integrates bill of materials with obsolescence management, product Change notifications (PCN), research and analysis. BOM Intelligence can give exposure to huge data.

Key Benefits

  • Get the latest parts status
  • Integrate information on many other platforms
  • Differentiate items quicker, upgrade stock, and avoid costly interferences
  • Satisfy prerequisites for usefulness, lifecycle, cost and consistence

Enhanced Capabilities

  • Time-Saving, 1-Step BOM Imports: Upload your BOM in a solitary advance with customized import setups
  • Report Wizard: Create fare standard and custom reports effortlessly
  • Alerts: Set up programmed notices for different clients, see alarms for now, inside the most recent 7 days, 30 days, months or year, show ceased, restoration, or fake alerts.
  • Part Search: Search for any spare part by part number, characteristic, producer or catchphrase whenever and save for later also.
  • Compare Parts: Compare spare, assess one another with the distinctions featured.
  • Dashboard: See a graphical portrayal of your BOM's wellbeing—parts, makers and life-cycle status.
  • Research Request: Submit an inquiry for specialists to ask for the parts to be added to the database.
  • Help Options: Access completely searchable framework, page-explicit guidance boards and context sensitive help on each page
  • Customer Support: Access support and training upon request

BOM can be beneficial for various industries and different types of equipment manufacturers or people working into different departments.

Let’s have a look:

Design Engineers

  1. To recognize accessible parts that will meet the essential necessities for a design practical determination, lifecycle and cost.
  2. To reduce plan cycle time and part time to market.
  3. To present new products distinctive that envisions changing buyer requests and capitalize upon emerging innovations

Component Engineers

  1. To audit status changes and counteract intrusions to the part manufacturing line.            
  2. To pick the best possible segment that meets structure prerequisites.
  3. To upgrade segment cost spend

Procurement Officers

  1. To gain insight into short and long haul supply accessibility and patterns for parts that may affect the network.
  2. To abstain having an assembling line go down because of absence of part.  
  3. To prevent buying fake parts.

With this software developed by Intellinet systems, OEMs can gain a true picture of the composition of the product from top to bottom, so they can instantly and confidently update customers about details.  It reduced delivery time of documentation from weeks to hours.

If you have any query or want a free demo of the software, just connect to

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