
How Accessories Catalogue Can Be Beneficial For OEMs?

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Selling accessories is one of the more profitable areas of the automotive business. If you are a manufacturer who supplies accessories to dealers, fleets, service workshops, independent retailers and consumers, as it’s a competitive market then this article is for you.

Every vehicle is consists of a large list of accessories and if I am not wrong, you must be managing the whole process of sales and return through paper catalogue.

Auto Accessories Catalogue

It’s time to say goodbye to your paper catalog. Here are the reasons, why you should try out Intellinet accessories catalog software today?

Save Time

Accessories catalog software can save up to an hour a day.

Using integrated system for all the non-productive tasks that OEM and dealers carry out on multiple platforms can rapidly cut down the time taken to run organization every day.

Accessories comes in lots of forms in vehicles, for dealers looking up and generating reminders, looking up parts and job times, to setting up customer and supplier invoice there are plenty of ways dealers may save valuable time and fulfill customer expectations.

Save Money

Choosing accessories catalog software can also save lots of money of OEMs.

By implementing this software OEMs will get to know that they can perform tasks give at much lower cost than other leading software providers. Many other software charges for different functionalities, but this software is already loaded with top features and OEMs don’t need to pay every time.

Integrate with your existing software and you can compare, an old-style server-based workshop system, and another leading cloud workshop system.

If accessories catalog software is integrated with online part catalogue software, it will be more easy for dealers and end customer to search and purchase accessories in one click.  The decision to supply from dealer stock or distributor stock can be based on the customer’s delivery requirements and can be made during and as part of the order transaction. It can calculate taxes and shipping charges that need to be paid and inform the customer of these costs at order time, streamlining the whole process of invoicing and account settlement.

Intellinet has also developed this new and improved accessories catalog software. The corporation of dealers and manufactures mainly focus on the areas of spare parts and accessories management and ordering. These processes are usually done by sending documents with long lists of vehicles. In the absence of any online automated method, manufacturers and dealers need to maintain a lots of paper documents redundantly in separate files. This form of work is time taking and is ineffective, in which every time there are chances of many misunderstandings and errors.

Accessories catalog software simplifies the publishing and maintenance of accessories catalogue and makes it simple for OEMs and dealers to search and buy accessories online. The catalogue system provides features that exceed the pure catalogue and ordering function.

If you are interested in the software or have any query regarding the same, connect to

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