
Make The Most of Automation with Intelli’s Accidental Claim Management

Intellinet Systems
5 min read
Accidental Claim Management

If you’re an OEM of spare parts, doesn’t matter small or large you’re must be constantly struggling to get a handle on how you’re using your time. It seems like there’s never enough to get all your work done. You must be having numerous areas where you want to improve, specifically around serving and gaining customers, if only you could salvage a few hours a week to focus on them.

There may be agencies offering software solutions to meet your needs. But automotive accidental claim management will give the opportunity to OEMs so that they can use their time and money in a better and wise way.  Moreover, the software is specially designed to improve customer retention and outreach. Get more to know about automotive accidental claim management software in this article, that how this software can impact an organization’s bottom line.

Improve Customer Relationships

The goal of accidental claim automation software is to make claim handling process easy and also a path that can it easier for OEMs and dealers to connect with customers. It’s all about improving communication gap between OEMs and their constituents. With accidental claim management software, OEMs can:

  • Schedule important notifications.
  • Watch the process of claim processing at every step.
  • Share useful content from your existing library, reminding customers of the value you continue to provide
  • Add personalization to messages and establish trust

According to recent report 52% of customers switch to another brand if don’t feel personal touch communication with the brand. Growing with diverse need customer demand for personalized service, here the latest technology can make a difference.

Drive More Sales

Accidental claim management not only helps you keep the customers informed about the step by step processing, but also it leads to building brand image of OEMs. With real-time data on point and instant notification about each task helps OEMs to attract customers. Moreover, it can help in-

  • Collecting more data and deliver right information to customers at the right time.
  • Sending regular notifications
  • Stay top of mind with regular updates

Time is of the essence when it comes to the customer journey. The quality and timeliness of information provided by automotive accidental claim management software makes it a game-changer for OEMs.

Save Time

At this point, the time-saving aspect of accidental claim management seems like an added bonus. Thinking practically, there is no doubt it will save hundreds of hours of OEMs in a year. With automated software, OEMs and dealers will be able to collect and send information faster and in error free way.  And, along with all such services it gives the freedom to experiment with new ways to securely serve customers.

Find the Right Solution

There are dozens of vendors offering accidental estimate claim generation software, so to choose the best among those can be a tough task. Two main points to select the best are customization and flexibility.

It’s near impossible to find a system that will have everything according to OEMs need, in such situation look for the one that can be customized accordingly and the ability to segment audiences as per need.

The robust software by Intellinet, coupled with integrations is designed to adapt to each organization needs. With customizable features automotive accidental claim management is all about serving the needs of each organization.

If you are interested in the software, needs a free demo of the software orfor more details about the same, just connect to

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