
Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy With Service Information System For OEMs

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

In the ever-evolving world of manufacturing, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) face numerous challenges in effectively distributing critical technical information to their dealers and distributors. The lack of a reliable and efficient system can lead to inefficient communication, delayed updates, and potential errors, all of which can adversely affect the operations and reputation of OEMs. This is where a robust Service Information System comes into play, offering an end-to-end solution for streamlining the communication of technical information.

Service Information Systems

The Need for a Central Repository

OEMs continuously publish technical documents to inform dealers and distributors about service requirements and technical changes. However, the challenge lies in maintaining a comprehensive record of this vast amount of technical literature. The Service Information software serves as a central repository, ensuring easy access to all technical documents and facilitating efficient record-keeping for future reference

Minimizing Disputes and Ensuring Transparency

After market software like Service Information software plays a crucial role in minimizing conflicts between OEMs and dealers. Technical documents are created for warranty claims, and dealers and plants need to review them before raising a claim. By generating read reports, OEMs can ensure that dealers are aware of the information presented in the document, creating a transparent distribution process and minimizing disputes.

Unique Features for Enhanced Functionality

The digital bulletin software offers several unique features that optimize its usability and effectiveness.

  • Filter and Search Option: Users can easily search and filter technical documents based on specific criteria using dropdown lists or combination search, streamlining document retrieval.
  • Manual Upload: OEMs can manually upload a single document against multiple models, simplifying the updating process.
  • Matrix Alerts: Key documents identified as "must-read" are highlighted with a counter view, ensuring that users are promptly notified about important updates.
  • Bulk Upload: To save time and effort, the module provides a bulk upload feature, allowing OEMs to update multiple documents simultaneously using a predefined template.
  • Document Read Report: This feature generates reports detailing when a particular document was accessed and by whom, keeping OEMs and administrators informed for future reference. These reports can also be exported to Excel for further analysis.
  • Admin-Defined Document Access: Not all technical documents are relevant to all users. With this feature, administrators can define document access based on user roles and permissions, ensuring that each user receives the appropriate information.
  • Disclaimer Report: In addition to the document read report, OEMs are provided with a detailed disclaimer report that highlights the type of module accessed by different users, along with date and time stamps, promoting accountability and transparency.
  • Multiple Language Support: The module supports multiple languages to cater to users worldwide, fostering effective communication across diverse regions.
  • PDF View of the Document: Each technical document is updated with a link and description, enabling users to access the document in a PDF viewer with advanced features such as search, print, zoom, and more.

Integration and Benefits:

The Service Information software seamlessly integrates with other modules of the Electronic Spare Parts Catalogue (EPC) software, such as the Warranty Management System and FTR (Failure Tracking and Reporting). This integration allows for direct navigation between modules, ensuring instant access to all necessary information.

The Adoption Of Service Information Software Offers Several Significant Benefits To OEMs:

  • Security of Data: Critical technical information is safeguarded through restricted access and enhanced data security measures.
  • Instant Updates: The module enables OEMs to swiftly disseminate updates to their entire dealership network, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the latest technical information.
  • Reduced Conflicts: By promoting transparency and accountability, the module minimizes conflicts between OEMs and dealers, fostering a more harmonious working relationship.
  • Defined Literature Types: OEMs have the flexibility to define different literature types within the Service Information software, allowing for a structured and organized approach to information dissemination.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The streamlined processes enabled by the module, such as the ability to search, filter, and bulk upload documents, significantly improve efficiency, saving time and effort for OEMs and users alike.
  • Access Control: The module offers restricted access to specific modules, ensuring that users only have access to the information relevant to their roles and responsibilities, thereby enhancing data security.
  • Improved Communication: With multiple language support, the module accommodates the diverse global user base of OEMs, facilitating effective communication across different regions and languages.


The Service Information software is an indispensable tool for OEMs in effectively communicating technical information to dealers, distributors, and other stakeholders. Moreover, its integration with other automotive software modules enhances the overall operational efficiency of OEMs.

As the global marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, efficient and reliable communication of technical information becomes paramount. The Service Information software addresses this need and empowers OEMs to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

To know more about Service Information software & other Automotive software, that can help you to improve production efficiency & boost your business growth. Request A Free Demo now!

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