
How Well-Informed Dealers Contribute to Revenue of the Original Equipment Manufacturers

Intellinet Systems
5 min read
How Dealers Can Increase OEMs Revenue

In order to be ahead of its competitors, Dealers always need to be prepared with all the queries and questions that may be asked by the end customer whenever dealers will try to sell any product to the customer. Customers come from different backgrounds and knowledge and hence they can ask their queries related to that product and if the dealers are not able to answer to all the queries to the customer’s satisfaction, customers will not get convinced which will affect the customer’s buying decision and puts a big question mark if customer will buy the product or not. In order to enable the Dealers with full information, Intelli Service Information Software helps Dealers in enhancing their knowledge about the different products manufactured by original equipment manufacturer and enables them to increase their knowledge about the different products.

In automotive industry, Dealers need to sell products manufactured by original equipment manufacturers and in order to provide better after Sales Service to end customers, dealers also need to sell spare parts and accessories to them. With the advancement of Technology and ever change in engineering of the product, original equipment manufacturers keep on enhancing the existing product and also keeps on manufacturing new product. As these new products are different from the existing one, it is very essential for dealers to know ins and outs about these spare parts and accessories.

They should know the change which has been introduced by original equipment manufacturers in this new product, how these new parts will add value in the product, what are the different advantages and disadvantages of these parts or product and other relevant questions. Intelli Service Information software helps original equipment manufacturers to create and publish different literatures in the form of PDF which can be accessed by the dealers anytime. Intelli Service Information module is a web-based online solution which helps original equipment manufacturers to digitally control the published literature. By digitally control means that original equipment manufacturer can control the view and download functionality which Original Equipment Manufacturers want to provide to different dealers as per the business requirement.

If the documents and literature published in Intelli information system is digital control, Dealers which are not authorized by Original Equipment Manufacturers will not be able to access those literature and hence Intelli Service Information software make sure the security and integrity of the information shared. As these literatures and documents have sensitive and critical information about different products and parts, data security is very important which Intelli Service Information Software is capable of maintaining.

Original equipment manufacturer finds Intelli information software very easy to use. With just few clicks, they are able to publish the new literature, operator manual and other technical and non-technical documents. As automotive industry has spread globally without any boundaries of countries and languages, OEM faces challenges of maintaining documents in multi-language. Intelli Service Information software provides multilingual functionality to original equipment manufacturers.

With the help of multilingual functionality original equipment manufacturers are able to publish various literatures and documents in multiple languages and can provide the access to these multilingual documents as per the native language of the dealers. With the documents in their native language, dealers are able to easily understand the documents more accurately which help in increasing their knowledge about different products. With this up to date knowledge provided through Intelli Service Information software, Dealers are able to reply to all the queries from customers and provide more satisfaction to the customer. These satisfied customers enhance the chance of increased sale and thus Intelli Service Information software opens the door for both dealers and original equipment manufacturer in increasing their sale and adds more revenue.

Intelli Service Information software is easy to use and original equipment manufacturer finds updating any published literature stress-free. As the time changes and with changes in technology the literature needs to update on timely basis. Original equipment manufacturer can publish a new literature and can control the view of the Literature which has now become obsolete. Intelli Service Information software makes sure to have updated literature all the time which easily can be track by original equipment manufacturers.

For more information and details about Intelli Service Information Software and our other World class products, visit our website We assure you of the best in class products which will help you to grow your business.

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