
OEMs Jackpot of Generate Perfect Revenue: Automotive Warranty Claim Management

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Manufacturing firms call warranty as cost of doing business, the cost of offering complete customer satisfaction and as an opportunity to build customer relationship.

Warranty processing continues to plague automotive OEMs and dealers with high expense, and staggering losses. Many OEMs question, “Why does this seemingly straight forward administrative task continue to create such painful and costly distractions?” The appropriate response lies in the manner in which warranty is entwined with administration and how its outcome is a result of administration approaches and strategies. Significant amounts of revenue, the unpredictability of techniques, the rigidness of interfaces, and its relationship with a client driven highly technical profit center make warranty claim management a framework likely to fail.

Depending eager for advancement and area of the dealership guarantee claims preparing may result in as much as 60% of gross administration deals. At a standard rate 30% -40% mix warranty claims handling is the most significant single income source in the administration division. Even when system run as expected, small claim cost dollars to the OEMs and liabilities go unnoticed. Let’s have a look why automated warranty claim management is must for OEMs and dealers.

Methods Complexity

Nowadays, rarely any organization prints the part catalogue manuals. Also, previously OEMs needed to update their warranty policy or policies procedures every year.  The size of these manuals was daunting to see, but that procedure was just the beginning of warranty complexity. These printed manuals don’t tell the way by which an OEM must navigate to enter warranty claim, reject it, or make an appeal to correct.  Also the manual way doesn’t include the technical service bulletins, the latest procedures, or the most recent announcements. Moreover, manual process doesn’t tell about extended warranty claim procedures, as submissions require complete knowledge.

Rigid Interface

On an average a new vehicle consists of thousand of parts and multiple types of warranty cover these parts.  But the manual systems of OEMs are not capable of providing accurate responses to all issues, as for the most common repairs and concerns.  To accommodate for all this versatility their systems are not capable of providing correct responses to all issues.  For example, an incorrect code or data could completely reject requests.  Perfect warranty claim management depends on the experience of the warranty understanding with automated systems. The only way to gain this experience is proper training, time, and volume of claim submissions.

Required Documents

It can be seen in various manufacturing industries, that nobody puts the customer first by interrupting their daily activities, and resolve their concerns. But for OEMs it is necessary to recognizing warranty claims by checking proper documents and complete the claim processing by taking considerable risk.  Each authorized dealership should report them about the data of verified claims.  OEMs need an advanced automotive warranty claim management module to protect them from possible fraud in claim processing.  They need to keep in mind that their exposure is not only to the dealer but to every employee who can write a repair order, apply labor, or charge out a part. 

OEMs requirement is a system that can ensure that management is verifying and controlling all the expenses claimed by dealers. Automotive warranty claims management just happens to be the special software from Intellinet systems that after integrating the software with their existing system, OEMs and dealer will bid goodbye to the paperwork permanently. Also, it will boost the work speed and will save a lot of precious time.

To know more about the software or for any other info, just connect to

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