
Why Automated Software Are Necessary for Automotive OEMs?

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) have been around for hundreds of years, but in today’s digital age. OEMs no longer have the luxury as they are still following their age-old business models. This is 21st century and the world is getting digitized, machines are becoming smarter.  Also, the new-age technology is capable to automate OEMs’ operations—improving efficiency, reducing spare parts search time, automated inventory management, unlocking new opportunities for them and much more. This progression of technology is new opportunity for OEMs to drive revenue.

Software for Automotive OEMs

The digital approach focuses on converting manual processing of the organization and automated the complete process. The automotive industry is more than 100 years older, but time is changing! OEMs need to adopt digitization into this fast paced digital world.

OEMs need to think that with automated technology on board, how stronger their marketing strategy could be, powered with technology of tracking spare part, automating claim processing and much more.

The data management process is going on and OEMs and automated software providers are among the first to gain benefits.

Intellinet have developed automated software’s for OEMs worldwide. For OEMs the software can be helpful in controlling after manufacturing process. This will be a great time saver and money saver.

The OEMs has to retain control of their organization data that can be later used to perform R&D, to know consumer behavior and to draw a conclusion about market research or company brand value.

The OEM adopting the correct technology and connecting all departments of their business with that advanced technology will be able to function better in the market in the upcoming years. In simple words, automation is the key to success in modern trends. Intellinet automation software like electronic parts catalogue and warranty management system are fully capable to support the full spectrum of needs of OEMs globally, that includes:

  • New insights and new way of data collection with extensive capabilities of sharing data digitally.
  • Better and real-time data collection will help in end-to-end product management.
  • Strengthening authorized dealerships to attract customers and serve them better.
  • Improving fraud claim detection process and reducing the loose of money in this process.

Intellinet is empowering OEMs by offering digital services in terms of part search, inventory management and claim handling software. This way they can win more customers by minimizing risk, eliminating fraud, and save cost by updating manual process.

Meanwhile, the profits of OEMs will increase and the new profit will help them pay them attention to more revenue generating areas. Software is an automated way to manage OEMs business process and take them ahead into the new world of services so that they can achieve success.

The direct OEM-dealers relationship will be improve as they will get a direct communication medium after adoption of automated software.

Major players in the automotive industry have several partnerships at different levels to outsource their work, but automated software will eliminate that need of outsourcing.  The current manufacturing market is still young and almost every OEM is competing to gain a share in the market, that’s why with a tangential invest in the related technology will help them in long run.

Automotive OEMs are in a state of transition. As equipment becomes commoditized, OEMs are focusing on delivering quality customer support as a point of differentiation. With multifaceted and fast-moving supply chains, OEMs need to turn to automated software to drive customer satisfaction, control cost, and innovate.

Feel free to connect if you have any query regarding the same.

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