
Mobile Based Pre-Delivery Inspection Software by Intellinet

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

In Automotive industry, Dealers keep on ordering the different products and parts from Original Equipment Manufacturer. Whenever OEM receives the order from Dealers, they ship those products to the delivery address of the Dealers. Based on the plant of the OEM from where the product needs to ship and the delivery address of the Dealer, Original Equipment Manufacturers select the Logistic partners through which these products will be send by OEM.

Mobile Based Pre-Delivery Inspection Software

On the way to delivery location of the Dealer, there are chances that something wrong has happened with the product. If the product doesn't reach in good condition to delivery address of the Dealer and Dealers does not inspect the product at the time of receiving the product, this may result in one of the disputes between Dealer and Original Equipment Manufacturers. Every business runs on the principle of trust but as logistics services taken by Original Equipment Manufacturers are generally third party therefore it is very important for every Dealer to inspect the product before receiving them to check the quality of the product. If they are not satisfied with inspection done at the time of delivery, they can contact the Original Equipment Manufacturers with the Inspection Report and can raise their concern about the quality of the product.

To avoid any such conflict and to help Dealers to inspect the product physically, Intellinet has come up with the mobile based solution name as Intelli PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection System). As the name indicates this it helps Dealer to check the physical quality of the product which they are receiving on different parameter and based on this Inspection Report, they can contact the Original Equipment Manufacturer and discuss their concern about the inferior quality of the product. With this Pre-Delivery Inspection Report OEM got to know about the quality of the product and service provided by the Logistic partner and then they can take the action accordingly.

Conflict Controlling System

Intelli Pre Delivery Inspection system acts as a conflict controlling system between Dealer and Original Equipment Manufacturer. At the time of receiving the product by Dealer at the delivery location, they do certain pre define checks based on the checklist define in Pre-Delivery Inspection system. This checklist is very objective and it also allows Dealers to capture any required remarks and hence they can submit the detailed report about the quality of the product which they have received. With this detailed Pre-Delivery Inspection Report, OEM gets to know the exact quality of the delivered product which avoid in controlling the conflict between Dealers and OEMs.

Pre-Define Check List

There are pre-define parameter based on which Dealers need to evaluate and inspect the quality of the product which they are receiving. These parameters are in the form of the checklist which have been defined by Original Equipment Manufacturers in Pre-Delivery Inspection system and based on the product, Intelli Pre Delivery system shows applicable checklist to Dealers. Whenever Dealer receive the product, they access the iPDI system using mobile and fill the checklist based on the product and submit the same to Original Equipment Manufacturer. Based on this inspection done by Dealers with the help of iPDI system, OEM got to know the exact condition of the product and then they can analyze the report.

Early Detection of Faults

Pre-Delivery Inspection system as the name indicates provide the checklist to dealers at the time, they are receiving the product and thus minimizes the chances of detecting any issue or defect later. It helps in early detection of the fault and if in case any issue or default has been identified at the time of Pre-Delivery Inspection, same can be rectified by Dealers and OEMs at that time only.

Pre-Delivery Inspection system helps both Dealers and Original Equipment Manufacturer in making the inspection at the time of delivery of the product and receiving the same by Dealer. Intelli PDI module helps in more coordination between Dealers and OEM by giving an alarm about early detection of the fault and therefore they can rectify the same at an early stage.

For more information and details about Intelli Pre Delivery Inspection System and our other World class products, visit our website We assure you of the best in class products which will help you to grow your business.

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