
Online Parts Catalog Software Integration in Automotive OEMs Will Enhance Parts Sales

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

The sales and marketing collateral of an OEM depends on relevant, up-to-date, and efficient parts catalog. With the manual catalog, organizing and monitoring of all the products is not an easy task. As a solution to the manual and paper-based catalog, online part catalog software can be integrated into the organizations. The automated online catalog creating tool will allow OEMs to create and enrich consistent parts data in a centralized system.

online parts catalog software

The objective of online part catalog software is to keep data safe, deliver information quickly, synchronously to reduce inefficiencies in the marketing supply chain. Here are the key aspects that make it the first choice of OEMs:

  • The ability to consolidate all the data of the organization, related to customer or spare parts can be kept secured in a single repository. It can be accessed instantly anytime and anywhere.
  • Eliminate duplicate data entry and reduce time and efforts spent on manual input of data. also, all images and videos related to spare parts will be available on the online platform.
  • With this software on board, OEMs and dealers can share the most up-to-date details and documents in real-tims.
  • Online part catalogue software comes with multilingual communication capabilities.

The software provides OEMs and dealers with an all-encompassing solution so that you can concentrate on your parts keeping and order management related activities in one universal platform.

It makes adapting, handling, marketing, and distribution of catalog data digital. This effortless and efficient software will save your business time and money. Consistent, relevant, and up-to-date online part catalog software is essential for competing in the market, and with this digital software, your entire process will be productive.
Have a look at a few of the advantages:

Enable Mobile e-commerce for Selling Spare Parts
Mobile e-commerce can be used just as an add-on for OEMs and dealers. End Customers can search the spare parts from a tablet, smartphone, or laptop and can place an order instantly. It gives the capability of checking all the specifications online and influencing buyers on the go.

Personalized Marketing
With online parts catalog software OEMs and dealers can capture customer data, like their search history, and decide according to market demand to enhance their shopping experience.

Faster Checkouts

Immediate fulfillment is the biggest advantage of automotive OEMs. Your business can lose customers in case of delay availability of spare parts. With online part catalogue software, OEMs can let customers see the parts from different angles to make a purchase decision.

Online part catalogue software is the latest and highest technology that OEMs need to implement for not staying behind in the race. Intellinet has developed this software with complete security measures to make the customer feel safe during online transactions. Accuracy at every stage of online purchase, price listing, delivery location check, etc. All features are available in this user-friendly interface.

For more details or to schedule a free demo of the software, feel free to connect with team intellinet at

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